Thursday, 19 December 2019

HBA1C now 40

A month ago my HBa1c was 43 which was out of the diabetic range and officially pre diabetic. Now it is 40

The World Health Organisation (WHO) suggests the following diagnostic guidelines for diabetes:
  • HbA1c below 42 mmol/mol (6.0%): Non-diabetic
  • HbA1c between 42 and 47 mmol/mol (6.0–6.4%): Impaired glucose regulation      (IGR) or Prediabetes
  • HbA1c of 48 mmol/mol (6.5%) or over: Type 2 diabetes

My weight loss has plateaued but I can cope with that. I am still 85 kilos but a year ago I was 104

Thursday, 28 November 2019

NOT diabetic any more

The doctor sent me for a blood test and I altered the form so my HBa1C was checked as well as I had been getting a lot of low scores on my home monitor (4,5,6). I inquired at the doctors yesterday about the results. All the receptionist could tell it was normal but not the figure. Now normal is massively significant and she had a slot free to see the diabetic nurse, not my usual one but she would be able to tell me the score. I had to wait until 3 but decided it was worth it. Normal could mean anything.

I went in and she told me it was 43, Wow that is non diabetic

I weighed myself as well, 85 kilos, frustrating that I had not lost weight but I was so fired up about not being diabetic.

Sunday, 10 November 2019

My steps along the way

My steps
1) Cutting carbs and following Michael Mosley meal plans
a.  Lost a lot(a kilo every 2 weeks) but eventually plateaued
2) Trying Exante meal sachets
a.  Not filling and eventually found they push my blood sugar up
3) Trying Fast 800 shakes
a.  Not filling enough
4) Going low carb, high fat and tracking carbs
a.  Much more filling and makes more scientific sense
5) Intermittent fasting 16:8
a.  Quite easy and makes scientific sense
6) Keto
a.  Reduced my blood sugar
Useful resources Michael Mosley Book and online videos etc.  Jason Fung & Diet Doctor online and book. Low carb videos, Carb Manager app. 

This link tells you what is good on a keto diet 

Wednesday, 30 October 2019

CT Scan Next

I went for my first appointment with urology today, doctor was a really nice lady who is also follow Michael Moselys diet tips. She is doing the 5:2 so knew all about it. I showed her a diet diary. I had an X ray but it was unclear if stones were there or not. She is sending me for a CT scan to see if that shows things more clearly. But in any case if they are not causing me problems it would be a case of wait and see.

What a coincidence the GP phoned me, my urine test still shows an infection, but again, as it is causing no symptons we will wait and see.He is reinstating my Ramapril medication and wants me to do for a blood test and blood pressure test in 2 weeks to see what is going on.

So all in all it is a case of watch and wait which I am quite happy with.

Thursday, 24 October 2019

How I did it

I started when I came to the UK 26 Jun 2018 and until December I was doing dieting by myself. Just cutting out carbs bread, potatoes, pasta, flour, rice. Then a friend told me you could reverse diabetes. I didnt believe it at all and thought it was some kind of fad. So I did a bit of research and it seemed to be true.

I found Michael Mosley to BBC doctor, youtube videos, podcasts and lectures. It was very convincing. I bought the book The 8-week Blood Sugar Diet. The science was very convincing and I decided to give it a go. I had already been having hypos and the book recommended getting your doctor on board. I thought they would be very dismissive but much to my surprise the diabetic nurse was really excited and supported me. She told me Dr Glen wanted all his patients to do it, So I started.

Initially my weight loss was very dramatic, I was also see the nurse every week. She did loads of blood tests to keep an eye on me.

After a few months progress slowed also I had problems with my kidneys. A scan revealed kidney stones. My weight loss slowed.

Then I tried some other ideas, as well as low carb, actually counting carbs using the app carb manager, joined a facebook group which had lots of ideas I also explored other doctors lecture like Dr Jason Fung. I am getting his book as well. I decided to add intermittent fasting in. This is where you dont eat for 16 hours and do eat for 8. I find 4-10 pm works for me eating. This seems to have kick started my weight loss again

84.8 kilos

I had to go to the doctors for a urine test so took advantage and weighed myself at the chemist 13stone 5lbs (84.8 kg). I have some scales at home but they are useless so I always weigh myself at the chemist.

This weight loss really encouraging because I have been trying a variation on low carb as per Michael Mosley to low carb high fat with intermittent fasting. I eat between 2/4 pm and 10 pm. So fast for 16 hours if possible. I eat fatty foods like belly pork, lamb, chicken with the skin on. The idea is you fill up on fat not carb. The intermittent fasting is from Dr Jason Fung. Canadian kidney specialist.

It is best to follow medical doctors as they base their advice on medical research.

I have been looking at what my target should be, apparently 60kg 9stone 5lbs, argh that means another 4 stone. Which is what I have lost so far AGAIN. That might be a tad challenging.

My waist, I say waist, Mosley recommends you measure around your belly button. I was 50 inches, now 45. I know it sounds huge but it is coming down. Internal fat is what interferes with the pancreas. So my aim is to try and knock diabetes medication off entirely. If I can get rid of insulin surely I can get rid of metformin and sitagliptim.

Sunday, 29 September 2019

86 kilos

Hurrah, it is taking much longer now to lose weight. Experimenting with low carb and real food. Sachets push my blood glucose up, too many carbs. Got a carb manager app on my phone which helps

Monday, 16 September 2019

HBA1C 49

No insulin, taking metformin and sitagliptin. Rachel is very pleased with my HBa1C but my kidneys arent happy. Got kidney stones and a UTI

Tuesday, 6 August 2019

Deaf Aid

i first went deaf in my left ear in Sept 2014. In Egypt I was told nothing could be done. In the UK I have been refered for a hearing aid. The test shows I do have some hearing and I should be a good candidate

Tuesday, 16 July 2019

Off insulin

Now 90 kilos but the weight loss is slow. Wish I could exercise. But the good news I am no longer taking insulin. Whoop whoop

Thursday, 11 July 2019

I buy a car

The Yellow Peril, second hand of course but cheap insurance (I have zero no claims) and only £700 quid.

Wednesday, 3 July 2019

Knee problems

Trying to step up the door threshold my knee went. Massive pain, being referred for physio

Monday, 10 June 2019

Started Exercise Class

There is a regular exercise class at the community centre, called Elderfit. I have started going

Monday, 22 April 2019

Kidney Stones

My blood results were showing problems with my kidneys so Rachel sent me for an ultra sound. I have kidney stones on both kidneys.

Tuesday, 12 March 2019

95 kilos

I am now 95 kilos 49 inch waist BMI 35.9 with blood glucose 7-8  and only 16 units of Lantus
a day

Wednesday, 9 January 2019

My day time insulin is finished

Amazing I dont have take insluin every time I go out. Just Lantus at night 20 units. Rachel reckons I will go off insulin altogether. I cant weight. Makes my driving situation much better