Friday 15 May 2020

Corona and my diet

Went to the doctors about the blood tests due to my angina. Had to have my tempreture and sanitize my hands before I was allowed in.

Got my HBa1C back 50, disappointing but I knew it had gone up on my daily tests. What else is there but cook and eat at the moment.

Got more medication, diretic on top of the beta blockers on the phone. Blood pressure 180/60

Going to the chest clinic on Monday, fingers crossed

Monday 11 May 2020


Last night I put the bins out and suffered sever breathlessness. I had been having it for a while but general when doing exercise. Putting out the bins is hardly that, so it worried me.

I phoned the Welsh NHS helpline and was taken seriously enough to get a call back. She went through a comprehensive questionnaire and gave the impression it was serious but not an emergency.  She told me to phone my doctor in the morning.

Again I gave details to the person answering the phone and was called back by the doctor. She reckons that from my symptoms and family history that I have angina. She wants to refer me to the chest pain clinic but doesnt know when that will happen because of corona. It is normally quite quick but these are strange times.

In the meantime she wrote me a prescription and sent me for a blood test.

As far as I can gather it is serious but manageable